Monday, March 31, 2008

Spring Fling Coffee and Yarn Weekly Topic #1

this is so much more fun that writing the essay i have to finish tonight for my Introduction to Indigenous Issues course. i found out that Tanja B.'s idea of a perfect cup of coffee is almost exactly the same as mine: americano with a bit of cream on the beach with family and a yummy muffin. sounds perfect, and exactly what i am going to do tomorrow morning (my first day of a month break from school!). i also discovered that Frances S. describes the perfect sup of coffee - "the stronger and darker the better!". yum! she is also making a pinwheel sweater, which i am also making for the first baby in my cicle of friends. okay, time to stop reading blogs (and looking at all of the beautiful pictures of incredible knitting...and snow! people still have snow!) and back to the essay.

1 comment:

SecretPal said...

Hi! I'm your Pal for the Coffee swap! I've been looking at your blog and on Ravelry to try to get an idea of what you'd like. Get prepared to be spoiled! If you have any special requests, feel free to send me an email at this address :o)