Saturday, March 29, 2008

spring cleaning

time to sort through the baskets, boxes, bags of UFO's and WIP's, and sort them. it only took an hour, once i dumped everything out on to the living room floor. because i have SO MANY (i am pro at starting things, then when i get stuck or have a new idea, tucking it away so that i can pretend that it isn't there, and starting another thing) i sorted them in to seasons. i have a spring bag in my bedroom (craft central until we get a bigger house and i can have my own craft room) and the other three seasons packed away in a box downstairs. i also organized my ravelry queue, and made a space for all the ziplocs of yarn and patterns i have laying around to start. the idea is that i have to work my way through the season's projects before starting anything new on my queue. there will be a few exceptions - i need a new spring cardi cause our house is near the water and the spring storms are chilly! so far i frogged three pairs of socks that didn't fit, a whole bunch of other little projects i did when i first started knitting, and finished a few pairs of socks and Wisp. it feels good to be working my way through this stuff. maybe i should do this in all areas of my life! ;)

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