Tuesday, June 3, 2008

the dasies are sprouting...

and so are my other seeds. there are pots and yogurt containers and little tin cans full of sprouts sprinkled all over the house. i think it looks rather cute, but my kitten does seem a little annoyed that all of the sunny spots on the window sills are filled with dirt in every container imaginable...where is she to sit?

so yes, the seeds from my incredible package from the coffee and yarn swap are sprouting. i can't wait to have little dasies!

now, if only there were some of those yummy biscotti left - i think i shall learn to make those. i miss them with my morning coffee!


Crystal said...

Thank you so much for my coffee and yarn swap package! I love all of it. It finally came on the 7th! I think it wanted to do some traveling first before getting to its destination.

Ro said...

I'd appreciate receiving my KYS swap claim of lace Zephyr in suede from you, which is quite overdue by now. Please contact me via Ravelry.
