Monday, April 28, 2008

i'm still here!

i've had the yuckiest spring cold, and just managing to go to work and a few shows, and not much else! i came back to find that i won a topic of the week for the spring fling coffee and yarn swap...what fun!

all of this sleepy down time has led to lots of knitting! i'm making an avril shrug from Pretty Knits: 30 Designs from Loop in London, a beautiful book if you haven't seen it. i am using a pretty kid Lincoln/Angora handspun lace from Laine Zin Zin called Esperance

i think this cardi/shrug will be sweet and warm, if a bit fluffy from the angora. it's knit in a pretty flower lace, and i haven't made a mistake yet! i'll have about two hours of ferry kntting time tonight too, because i'm going over to the cabin for my little bro's birthday (can we still call them little when they are 26?). can't wait to wear this one!

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