Monday, May 12, 2008

A Fun Day at the Prison

we went to a play put on by some of the men at the nearby federal prison. the longest running drama program at a federal prison in Canada, and the only federal prison in the country that allows people from the "street" (what they call us on the outside of the prison walls) to come and partake in the play. they always choose really amazing plays, quite topical to prison life. this year they put on a great production, both thoughtful and entertaining, of Beckett's Waiting for Godot. they've had trouble in the past keeping the program running, so it's great to be able to go and support this amazing program, as well as see some great acting. it's always an exerience, and one that has me thinking about the lives these men live in prison, as well as the system that controls their every moves. one of the actors has been at this particular prison for ten years. i can't even imagine living in the same house for that long. something to think about.

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